Vergili, Tane2021-11-222021-11-222020-12-31 digital image X can be considered as a subset of Zⁿ together with an adjacency relation where Z is the set of the integers and n is a natural number. The aim of this study is to measure the closeness of two subsets of a connected digital image. To do this, we adapt the Hausdorff distance in the topological setting to its digital version. In this paper, we define a metric on a connected digital image by using the length of the shortest digital simple path. Then we use this metric to define the r-thickening of the subsets of a connected digital image and define the digital Hausdorff distance between them.enDigital topologyHausdorff distanceDigital imageDigital Hausdorff distance on a connected digital imageArticle692107010822618-6470