LAKSHMANADAS, VıdyaranıPRİYA, Padma2021-11-292021-11-292020-12-31 main aim of the study of this paper is to work with the properties of frontier and exterior in intuitionistic supra topological spaces. Considering this we have introduced intuitionistic supra α-frontier andintuitionistic α-exterior in intuitionistic supra topological space. We have also deliberated the properties of intuitionistic suppra α-frontier and intuitionistic supra α-exterior in intuitionistic supra topological space. The comparative study has been done with the use of intuitionistic supra α-open set between Intuitionistic supra frontier, Intuitionistic supra exterior and intuitionistic supra α-frontier, intuitionistic α-exterior in intuitionistic supra topological space.enIntuitionistic supra α open setα frontierα ExteriorOn frontier and exterior in intuitionistic supra α- closed setArticle692136813762618-6470