BIYIKLI, Latife (Tez Danışmanı)DİNDAR, Nesrin (Yazar)2019-02-0719952019-02-07 The study was conducted for the purpose of investigating the possible differences between pediatricians', mothers' and fathers' (who had mentally handicapped child) attitudes toward mentally handicapped people. The sample group consisting of 103 mothers and 101 fathers who had mentally handicapped children aged under 21. These children attended two trainable and one educatible mentally handicap schools in Ankara in 1993-1994 academic year. The other group consisted of 86 pediatricians who worked at one government hospital and one university hospital in Ankara.. "Attitudes to People with Mental Handicaps Scale" developed by.Nursey et al (1988) was adapted to Turkish and used in this research. The findings were tested through t-tests, ANOVA and TUKEY statistical techniques. The findings of this study indicated that, there were; 1. No significant differences between mothers' and fathers' attitudes to people with mental handicaps. Mothers' and fathers' attitudes were compared according to (a) degree of their child's mental handicap, (b) their81 child's gender, (c) their child's age, (d) parents' ages, and (e) parents' educational background. There were no significant differences in parents' attitudes toward mentally handicapped individuals when compared on the basis of the above demographic variables. 2. Attitudes of pediatricians to people with mental handicaps were compared according to (a) pediatricians' gender, (b) pediatricians' title, (c) pediatricians' experience, and (d) number of mentally handicapped children they worked with in one year. There were no significant differences in pediatricians' attitudes toward mentally handicapped people when compared on the basis of (he above demographic variables. 3. (a) There was a significant difference between pediatricians', and mother's and fathers' attitudes toward mentally.handicapped people. Mothers' and fathers' attitudes were found more positive than pediatricians' on the total scale and "Effect on Family", "Place in Society", and "Quality of. Life" subscales. Pediatricans', mothers' and fathers' attitudes toward mentally handicapped individuals were compared according to their (b) gender and (c) degree of their child is handicap. There were no significant differences between pediatricians' and parents' attitudes on "Independence" subscale. Mothers' and fathers' attitudes were found more positive than that of doctors' on the total scale and the other three subscales.trEğitim (Genel)Çocuk doktorları ile zihinsel yetersizliği olan çocuğa sahip anne babaların, zihinsel yetersizlikten etkilenmiş bireylere yönelik tutumların karşılaştırılmasımasterThesis