Ertan, Temuçin FaikUnat, Kadri2022-08-242022-08-242015 People's Party, which was founded on 9th September 1923 and stayed in power until 1950, has a significant position in Turkish political history. With the effect of this, the history of Republican People's Party along with Turkish political history have proceeded parallelly during a long time and the refractions in the historical process have reflected both Turkish policy and Republican People's Party simultaneously. For this reason, most of the researches relating to Republic of Turkey were referred to Republican People's Party. Moreover, besides the party is almost coeval with Republic of Turkey, having features of a founder party and a state party, it has been analysed and been researched in multi-ways as a seperate matter until now. In this study, the electioneering activities of Republican People's Party during the process of nine general elections, the five relating to single-party period and the rest four relating to multi-party period between the years 1927-1957 were analysed. In this manner, the electioneering activities in Turkey were analysed in the frame of the activities of Republican People's Party in single-party period for increasing the participation to the elections and in multi-party period for winning the elections. The main questions of the research are at what levels the electioneering in single-party period was, if there was a parallellism between the programmes and the discourses of Republican People's Party in the election periods, how much the transformations in the world reflected the programmes and the election campaigns of Republican People's Party in multi-party period, what differences Republican People's Party had during the election campaigns in single-party and multi-party periods and what kind of transformations Republican People's Party had in the process of these two periods. In this content, the preparations of Republican People's Party for the elections and the election campaigns of it, were defined in this thesis. Therefore this study is not a study of a political party or an election. This study contains the electioneering activities of Republican People's Party in general elections. Furthermore, in the study, the significant progresses before each election regarding both Republican People's Party and Republic of Turkey were evaluated basically, the electoral system was analysed and the changes on the election laws were explained. In this way, the aforementioned progresses and changes were tried to be determined in what scale they effected the electionstrCumhuriyet Halk PartisiDemokrat PartiGenel SeçimlerCumhuriyet Halk Partisi'nin genel seçim propagandaları (1927-1957)The eletioneering of Republican People's Party in general elections (1927-1957)doctoralThesis