Arslan, NihayetZariç, Mahfuz2022-05-302022-05-302013ülhak Şinasi Hisar is a multi-faceted, pioneer, esthete, stylist and perfectionist author of the Republican Literature. He takes in his writings the topics of time, civilization and human in line with the philosophy of Bergson. There are a lot of common ground between Hisar's novels and modernist, experimental, New Roman, and the postmodern novel insights with regard to the approach of Novel, time and human issues; also Hisar, gave separate importance to the inner reality, precision, specialty, poetry and humor. The time is relative and an incomprehensible unity and continuity as though it is named as the past, future and state; according to the novelist, memoir writer, essayist, biographer and author of criticism Hisar and his novels narrators. The time teaches, effaces; it owes its existence to the distance; it changes the nature, the goods, the civilization, the feelings, the thoughts, the people and the meaning; it indicates that the innovation is inevitable and the final choice. The change is the unique truth and constant for human and civilization; it is a process of evolution to transience. The past doesn't disappear; it mites and integrates into the future; it lives in the now. The consciousness of remembrance and past is equivalent to the historical consciousness. The chests, newspapers, museums, letters, images, photographs, music, artwork and the other written sources serve as the time memories. Reminisce is like to live the past again. The value it deserves should be given to the past which means civilization and has the power to soothe and comfort, which may be the source of learning lessons. Art, dreams, imaginations, memories, madness, childhood, youth and old age are the forms, the terms and the conditions which arouse the feeling and thought of getting outside of time. The duds which are an indicator of civilization; and most past time goods like clocks, mirrors, quilts and spaces like mansions, villas had moved past to the future. The civilizations which are peculiar to the cities are processes of evolution. They are similar to humans with their fates.trBiyografiHisar, Abdülhak ŞinasiZamanAbdülhak Şinasi Hisar'ın eserlerinde geçmiş ve gelecek zamandoctoralThesis