Onulduran, ErsinTelatar, Gökhan2022-06-092022-06-092011http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/81445After the September 11 attacks, terrorism became the most important threat for the world and a war was initiated againts this threat in a global scale. George W. Bush administration tried to reconstruct American hegemony in the context of discourse of struggle against terrorism. The new threat definition comprises terrorist organizations and axis of evil countries like Iraq, Iran and North Korea. Despite all arguments, policies of Bush administration after the September 11 did not bring comprehensive changes in American foreign policy. Bush administration initiated unilateral actions more frequently than previous presidents, ignoring international legitimacy, attributed paramount importance to military power.The main reason of the change in the aftermath of the September 11 was the necessity of reconstruction of the American hegemony. Despite the shock effect of the September 11 attacks on United States, the change was beyond the struggle against terrorism. This change was realised for the reconsturction of the American hegemony in the context of struggle with terrorism. The other rationale of this change stemmed from the neo-conservative vision prioratizing the reconstruction of the American hegemony. Thus, neo-conservative policy makers in Bush administration were strongly influential in this strong policy change. George W. Bush having Jacksonian view point, Donald Rumsfeld supporting offensive realist view point, Dick Cheney who is an offensive and Condoleezza Rice, a defensive realist followed the implementation of neo-conservative foreign policy vision.tr11 EylülAmerikandış politikası11 Eylül sonrası Amerikan dış politikasında hegemonyanın yeniden inşasıReconstruction of hegemony in American foreign policy after September 11doctoralThesis