Ayhan, SerapSayılan, Fevziye2022-06-242022-06-242001http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/82295The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the education of workers in the unions within the context of perspective transformation. To realize this aim an etnographic case study was conducted in three unions (Birleşik Metal İş, Harb İş, Öz Gıda İş) which are members of the three workers' confederations (DİSK, TÜRK İŞ, HAK İŞ) which represent three different traditions in the labour movement. The documents, field notes and recordings of the interviews were collected after a four years field work. First all the data are classified in a descriptive fashion. Later these data are analysed under certain groups which are produced within the frame work of certain research questions. In this way educational appoaches and aims of the three confederations are presented in a descriptive way. In this context educational approaches, and workers' education program of the unions are evaluated. Later the data collected by observation and interview are interpreted. These interpretaions are subsumed under the following subjets: union education and needs of workers; learning in the class room and in the group work; gender and learning; transformation of percpective of workers. In addition all the findings are interpreted in a way which compares different unions focusing on their divergences and common points in their approaches.trHalk EğitimiYetişkin eğitimi bağlamında işçi eğitimi üç işçi sendikasında etnografik örnek olay incelenmesiWorkers education with in context of the adult education: The etnographic case studies in three trade unionsdoctoralThesis