Onat, HasanAkkoyunlu, İsmail2022-06-102022-06-102011http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/81560Ibn Taymiyyah is one of the most leading figures whose works and views are frequently referred to in the Islamic Thought. Ibn Taymiyyah who almost spoke of all schools and prominent figures in Islamic thought up to his time at the same time had a severe critical mentality. Ibn Taymiyyah who criticized many Islamic or non-Islamic practices also made an intensive criticism about the theological schools of Islamic thought. Most widely-criticized sects by Ibn Taymiyyah were Murjia, Mutazila, Shia and Kharijite.It seems that in the matter of faith he most criticized Murjia and Mutazila. On the basis of its definition of faith, he most criticized Murjia in such matters as the relationship of faith and action, exception in the faith, increase and decrease in the faith. As for Mutazila, he charged them, for one thing, with making the philosophy dominant over their system of thought and, for another, with not giving necessary importance to the Quranic verses and the prophetic traditions. Besides, he did not find the five principles of Mutazila sufficient and so he accused them of incoherence.The main reason lying behind Ibn Taymiyyah?s intensive criticism to the Murjite and Mutazilite views of faith is the fact that he belongs to a different tradition from those of two schools. That is to say, since Ibn Taymiyya belongs to Hanbalism in fiqh and to Ahl al-Hadith in doctrine, he it was inevitably criticized the Murjite and Mutazilite understanding of faith.trİbn Teymiyyeimanmezhepİbn Teymiyye'nin iman konusunda mezheplere bakışıThe view of Ibn Taymiyyah towards the schools of thought in the matter of faithmasterThesis