Erol, AylaKızgut, Başak2022-07-262022-07-262018 substance of this thesis study is composed of 188 individuals, which were discovered as a result of the salvage excavation carried out in the region Milas-Belentepe. They have been dated back to Eastern Roman/Byzantine period. The investigated society is classified as 7 fetuses, 26 infants, 46 children, 2 adolescents, and 107 adults: 39 of which are female, 46 of which are male and 4 of which are inconclusive regarding their sex. Paleodemographic investigations lead us the death rate 42% as far as infants and children are concerned. To the best of our knowledge, this proportion is the third highest one among its contemporary Anatolian societies. In terms of average lifetime, for non-adult individuals it reads as 4.8, while it is determined as 43.75 for adults (43.7 for female and 43.51 for male). The general average of the society is computed as 25.14. It is deduced by means of the life chart data that, only half of the population could reach the age of 30. A general consideration upon the society of Belentepe yields us to think that inflectional diseases, inadequate parental custody, insufficient nutrition, overworking, and the unstable politic era made an intensive impact on the demographic dynamics of the society. Concerning the remains of adult individuals, paleopathologic methods did not give any conclusions with respect to any kind of common cause of deaths. In this context, no meaningful examination could be done on the non-adult individuals due to the insubstantial amount of preserved skeletons.trpaleodemografianadoludoğu romaMilas-Belentepe Doğu Roma/Bizans toplumunun paleodemografik analiziThe paleodemographic analysis of eastern Rome/Byzantine population settled in Milas-BelentepemasterThesis