Boztemur, RecepKuloğlu, Deniz2022-03-302022-03-302009 has been strived to provide information about geçit teşkilatı in this study. geçit teşkilatı was formed in the independence war acknowledging the fact of Turkish Forces had been going to intervene in Thrace by steping through the Bhosphorours as a result of the applications and the measures taken the control the implementation of the British Occupation Forces when İstanbul had been occupied and probability of complete loss of İstanbul with a deadlock in Lousanne Negatiations particularly Greek desire to be a more a foremantioned state by attacking to İstanbul.What a right decision had been made by Ankara Goverment on the subject of establishing Geçit Teşkilatı and exucuting its task secretly has been cleared at the end of the study from the occasionaly increasing tension during Lousanne Negatiations. When the probable attack of Allied Powers to İstanbul had been likely appeared.Key WordsAllied Powers, Ottoman State, Istanbul, Thrace, Lousanne NegatiationstrİngilizlerTürk-İngiliz ilişkileriİngiliz işgal birliklerinin kontrol altına alınması ve geçit teşkilatıTaking control of the British occupation forces and the passage organizationmasterThesis