Samurçay, NerimanGödelek, Ertuğrul2022-03-212022-03-211982 aim of the study is to develop a test battery which can be used to measure psychometric skills.In order to dewelop test battery omega, sinusoid, mirror, and sign test were gathered together. In the study 120 subject were taken place which 60 of them female, and 60 of them male. The main result of the study is the psychometric battery working perfect.Omega, sinusoid, mirror, and sign tests are working together nicely and can be used to measure psychometric skills. Especially speed which is the result of eye and hand coordination can be predicted by using tis instrument.trPsikolojiPsikomotor becerilerin ölçülmesinde kullanılan omega testi, sinüzoid testi, ayna testi, ve işaret çizimi testlerinin karşılaştırılmasına ilişkin bir çalışmaA study on comparing omega test, sinusoid test, mirror test, and sign test which are used measuring psychometric skillsmasterThesis