Şahin, Aydan Acar2021-12-022021-12-022020http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/76625Although airborne pollen is invisible to the eye, it has been known as a major source to respiratory allergic reactions. For this reason, relationship between the morphological characteristics of airborne pollen and their potential tendency as an allergen are still obscure. In the present study, we selected 29 allergenic species at Beşevler 10. year campus and investigated their detail pollen characteristics using light and scanning electron microscopies. 11 of the allergic plants on campus are also important for beekeeping.enallergyplantpollenbeekeepingBeşevler 10.year campusPollen morphology of selected allergenıc specıes at beşevler 10. Year campus, ankara unıversıty, TurkeyArticle2902