Onulduran, ErsinŞabanov, Mustafa2022-08-082022-08-082012http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/82932Throughout the history the South Caucasus has been an important region for the regional powers both from geopolitical and strategic standpoints. In 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, several new states were founded in the South Caucasus, which had been under Russian domination for a long period of time, and the balance on international scene commenced to change. Formation of the Russian Federation on the international scene had made the combat for domination In the South Caucasus more severe.For the Russian Federation, the South Caucasus region is very important to ensure its own stability and security. Since Russia has a direct common border with the South Caucasus, it is against to other forces? domination in the region, and at the same time characterizes the region where its vital interests intersect as ?Close Neighborhood?, while shaping its foreign policy. For this reason, Russia is directly interested in the events occurring in the region and pays close attention to them. Among regional states, Azerbaijan and Georgia pursue pro-Western policies in order to participate in the world politics, balancing the role of Russia in the region. Armenia, on the other hand, remains the most important factor symbolizing the Russian power in the region. This factor is essential for Russia in terms of providing geopolitical balance in the region.The Russian Federation, has determined the nature of relations with South Caucasus states based on the doctrines, concepts and strategies formed on the grounds of the Eurasian and the Atlantic streams, which are the main contours of her foreign policy. Russia applies different strategies and policies against these states, which became independent from Russia, in order to rejoin them. Political and economic tools are used in order to pursue this aim. Sometimes attempting to control the petrol/natural gas pipelines and routes in the region, and sometimes intentionally appliyingtrRusya FederasyonuGüney KafkasyaRusya Federasyonu`nun Güney Kafkasya politikasıThe foreign policy of Russian Federation on South CaucasusmasterThesis