Yalçıklı, Derya2023-01-232023-01-232022https://doi.org/10.36891/anatolia.1039487http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/87146Metal objects and findings that suggest metallurgy activities were discovered in the Early Bronze Age architectural layers of the Mezraa Höyük. Among the finds were two crucible fragments and a casting mould. Analysis of the metal fragments preserved on the crucible parts revealed the presence of arsenical copper. Pins with forms that were well known in the Middle Euphrates Region during the Early Bronze Age make up another group of findings. In analysis, one pin was determined to be an arsenical copper alloy and the other a tin-copper alloy. This data proves that metallurgical activities were present in the second half of the Early Bronze Age and that the alloy arsenical copper was produced.trMezraa HöyükMouldCrucibleMETAL PRODUCTION IN MEZRAA HÖYÜK IN THE EARLY BRONZE AGEArticle