Acarlar, FundaServi, Ceyhun2022-07-262022-07-262018 social interaction is one of the common diagnostic properties of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). For a usual process of social interaction, all components of communication should be used. Verbal language is at the head of the most frequently used tools of communication. Language features of individuals with ASD have been studied for many years. It has been determined that individuals with ASD exhibit different performance in the pragmatic and semantic components of language when compared with normally developing children. Children with ASD are experiencing difficulties in these two components. Altough there are different opinions, recently it has been stated that children with ASD have difficulty in phonology. In this study, morphosyntactic properties of children with ASD have been investigated. The study group was consisted of 23 (19 male, 4 female) children with autism spectrum disorder between the ages of 3 and 8 and 19 typically developing (TD) children (14 boys, 5 girls). Non-verbal intelligence of children with ASD was equalized with TD children. Children with ASD are children who can use verbal language at least at the level of simple sentences. Language sample analysis was used as data collection tool in the research and 15 minutes language samples were taken from each child in the context of conversation. Language samples are transcribed by researcher and separated to the utterances and morphemes and all mistakes and misuses have been coded. Then, another researcher who use language sample analysis as an expert, conducted an inter-observer reliability study and it has found that four processes which are transcribing (%99), separating to the utterances (%99), separating to the morphemes (%98) and coding (%91.4) are reliable. All datas have been analysed by SPSS 20 package program. According to the results of this study, there were differences in mean length of utterances (MLU), total number of bound morphemes, number of name and verb suffixes, number of verbals, clause ratio, between children with ASD and TD children. The measurements about morphosyntactic properties were found to be higher in TD children than children with ASD. It has been determined that children with ASD showed high rates for omission, commission and morpheme addition than TD children. Children with ASD also showed high rates of utterance level mistakes than TD children. Mazes which are indicators for language disorders also examined in this study. Children with normal development frequently maze during conversations and they have higher rates on total number of mazes, filled pauses, repetitions and revisions than children with ASD. As a result, all datas from language samples which is related with morphosyntactic properties of children with ASD have been showed that children with ASD have difficulty in morphosyntax.trOtizm Spektrum BozukluğuBiçim-SözdizimDil Örneği AnaliziOtizm spektrum bozukluğu olan çocukların biçim-sözdizimsel dil özelliklerinin incelenmesiInvestigation of morphosyntactic language properties of children with autism spectrum disorderdoctoralThesis