Yazıcı, NesimiTelli, Hasan2022-04-012022-04-012002http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/78235"Some of the Filibe foundations in the Ottoman Empire" is a study about four foundations in city of Filibe, which is also known as Polovdiv in Bulgaria. This study is mostly based on Ottoman archive documents. The four foundations mentioned in the text: Şehabeddin Paşa Foundation, Karlı-zâde Ali Bey Foundation, İsfendiyar-zâde İsmail Bey Foundation and Minnet-zâde Mehmed Bey Foundation were found in the following places respectively Filibe. Karlova county, Markova villiage and Konuş county. These foundations owned mosques, tombs, caravansarays, Turkish baths, medresses, "daru'l-kurra"s and "imarethane"s. Most of the Filibe villiage territories were owned by these foundations. The territories owned, were hired either for money or for the harvest and this income was used by the foundations. The person who hired the foundation owned land was called "mutasarrıf. The majority of the "mutasarrıf s were non-muslim. The new mutasarrıf was to give a small amount of tax named "resm-i ferağ". The coordinater of the foundation was named "mütevelli". Sometimes foundations had more than one "mütevelli"s at the same time, and sometimes this caused arguments which may lead to fights. There were lots of regular workers in the foundations including imam, muezzin, kayyım, vaiz (preacher), hatip (public speaker), yasinhan (who reads the surah of Ya- Sin), devirhan and ser-devirhan (who reads the Quran from begining to end), dua-gu (prayer), katip (clerk), cabi (tax collector), cuzhan (who reads the parts of the Quran), ders-iam (teacher of the Quran ), muallim (teacher), nazır (minister), cook, servant and mütevelli. The city "kadi" (judge) were responsible for the appointment of the jobs. If someone was appointed to more then one duty, he was given seperate salaries for each duty. The "kadi" also worked to solve the problems of the foundation. Its obvious that, these four foundations had played an important role in religious, educational, social and cultural development of Filibe and had served for the public welfare.trDinOsmanlı Dönemi'nde bazı Filibe vakıflarıSome of the Filibe foundations in the Ottoman EmpiremasterThesis