Enginer, GürbüzKaplan, Melike2022-04-192022-04-192003http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/79042This study overlooks the field of the women studies that became popular in the recent years and where it is today from the point of samples by formal and volunteer organizations. The base of the subject is to consider the studies which are based on the "feminist point of view" and to consider people in the way of anthropological perspective. The main purpose of the study is to make comparison between these organizations and people working there that these organizations can be differed from each other keeping the view of the researchers and the working principles of these organizations in the field of women studies. On the academic platform, the organizations that are chosen, are Ankara University and METU-MA programme on "Women Studies"; as a volunteer organization Women Consultation Center (KDM); as formal institution General Directorate of Women Status and Problems (KSSGM). During nearly 2 years women studies have been tried to be observed comparingly, on the bases of making observations and interviews with the authorities and people working in these institutions. According to our study we classify the problems in 2 categories: "General" and "Inside the organization". First of all, it is necessary to take into consideration the problems of human relations taken place in the organizations. It is possible to say that problems such as career anxieties, the identification difficulties (race, ethnic, origin, class...etc.) authority and otherness become the source of blocking the women studies except structural problems, today. In spite of all such problems, each institution tries to put a solution to women problems on their own right. Gaining official qualifications of women movement, leading of the KSSGM, studies at universities and volunteer organizations also play an important role on the recognition of women movement. When we think out of organizations, in general, the difference between "speech" and "action" in women studies are observed as one of the reason of blocking the studies made in this field.trHalk BilimiKendini inceleyen kadınlar- Kadın çalışmaları üzerine antropolojik bir araştırmaWoman criticising herself- An anthropological research on women studiesmasterThesis