Aydın, Mustafa2022-12-212022-12-212021https://doi.org/10.31801/cfsuasmas.794779http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/86286In this paper, we study the hypersurface families with Smarandache curves in 4-dimensional Galilean space G4 and give the conditions for different Smarandache curves to be parameter and the curve which generates the Smarandache curves is geodesic on a hypersurface in G4. Also, we investigate three types of marching-scale functions for one of these hypersurfaces and construct an example for it.enSmarandache curve, hypersurface family, geodesic curveHypersurface families with Smarandache curves in Galilean 4-spaceArticle7027447611303-5991