Kaplan, RamazanSağlam, Nazlı2022-04-212022-04-212008http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/79290Yakup Kadri stood at the center of life experienced with his intellectualidentity. The events he experienced and faced lead him to write his works withinsocial contents and prepared him to adhere the national state ideals.Preparatory act of writing novels for Yakup Kadri are the stories. For thesestories selected sample story writer by Yakup Kadri is Maupassant. He dealed withthe individual problems in his stories at early years and later sufferings experiencedby Turkish people.Yakup Kadri takes Gustave Flaubert as example in his novels. We encounterwith Selma in Ankara as Emma in Madame Bovary , Seniha in Kiralık Konak, Nigârin Nur Baba. Author adopting the composition and narration form of realist novelperpetuates this novel technique till to Panorama. Again written under the effect ofFrench literature Panorama carries the concerns of approach to the society as awhole.Displays generally a realistic identity in his works. Parts narrating thefantasies keep in background against the reality.Yakup Kadri alienates from reality in analysis of the events. He reaches to theconclusions by analysing the events from point of personal view.Yakup Kadri, without giving way for phenomenons, miracles, coincidences,imaginations and intangible generalisations reflects his survey power to his art.Yakup Kadri picked up the reflection of social life to the art objectively asaim of the realists to form the subject of his writings. Defining individuals? spiritualaccretion in process of change as well as with the change of society with socialvalues of the Realists can be observed in Yakup Kadri?s writings.He did not give any place to individual coincidences in his writings in ordernot to discompose the reality. He performed the social coincidences in his works.An important feature of Yakup Kadri presenting his realistic identity is theoutcome of his novels. His novels closes with pathetic, depressed ends. Astoundingends in his social narrations are the characteristics of his novels.Yakup Kadri tries to miror the society as a realist. He improves the events onsubstantial causal connection basis, does not compliment to phenomenons,coincidences, astoundings. He expands the events from daily life in socialframework.A feature drawing attention in his writings? construction, improvement of theevents is initially calm and emotionless mood. He recognise the individuals of thenovel at first pages in a comfortable ambience and we do not face with astoundingevents. Author trying to submit these individuals in a balanced form alters the initialcalm and unsensational mood.Contradiction is an important issue in Yakup Kadri?s works. Conflicts amongindividuals and social aspects constitutes the plot. This conflict also may be observedinside world of the individuals. Thus the author tries to provide the balance in hisnovels.Realistic writers give place to love affairs in order to add harmony to realisticmoods in their novels. Yakup Kadri also allocate love affairs in his novels widely.Love, in his works, emphasizes the dignity of the love carrying emotional andspiritual quality.Yakup Kadri demonstrate success in spiritual analysis. Emotions sometimesloving persons, sometimes entailing to disturbances, spiritual conditions affordassistance for us to know the most certain senses, most important features of thecharacters.Persons in his novels are in aspiration of the past. A part of them is inbackdate; they evaluate their childhood and juvenility as the golden era of their life.Therefore the divergence between the present life and the past of the individualsconstitute an important issue in the work. The past is a direction where the face ofrealists is turned to.Yakup Kadri narrates in details not only the external reality but also theinternal reality of the humans. The effects of his survey power can be observed in hisanalysis. He depicts the created changes on this physchology by not only theappearances of the individuals, the place they exist and exercised solid events butalso the physchology of the individuals living the events in this place.Author, as a speciality of the realism, attaching importance to the function ofthe location also reflected successfully the entirety of location- human issue. Heprovided the means in his narrations by attributing importance to observations like arealist. The belief of the effect of location on individual?s spirit addressed him todescribe the location in details.Although he knew the principal of description in realism should be objective,not subjective, he embodied the descriptions according to his own emotions andideas. Author, in certain intervals defected the principal of being objective by notwithdrawing himself from the world of his work. He dramatized his observations inorder to provide better comprehension for the events.Yakup Kadri, uses staging/displaying techniques to provide more factuality tohis narrations. Events are transferred by conceptualizing before the reader?s eyes notby the commentator?s narratings. And the dramatized events become inspired on thevision of the reader.Author, underlines that the art in realism exists for reality and fineness.Yakup Kadri as a realistic writer, he is not contented with only narrating or showingthe human reality as it is but emphasizes the conditions as it should be by usingsocial types, utopic facts. We face with that fact especially in his novel Ankara. Hedraws the ideal Turkey?s design in third part of his work.Author tries to submit the reality in language and fashion in an objective andaesthetic form. Especially attributes importance to conformity in core, designation ,language and fashion of the work.Yakup Kadri used the art to express the ideology he believed.trYakup KadriYakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu`nun romanlarında gerçekçilikmasterThesis