Dragomir, Sever2022-12-262022-12-262021https://doi.org/10.31801/cfsuasmas.798863http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/86434In this paper we extend the trapezoid inequality to the complex integral by providing upper bounds for the quantity | ( v − u ) f ( u ) + ( w − v ) f ( w ) − ∫ γ f ( z ) d z | under the assumptions that γ is a smooth path parametrized by z ( t ) , t ∈ [ a , b ] , u = z ( a ) , v = z ( x ) with x ∈ ( a , b ) and w = z ( b ) while f is holomorphic in G , an open domain and γ ∈ G . An application for circular paths is also given.enComplex integral, continuous functions, holomorphic functions, trapezoid inequalityAn extension of trapezoid inequality to the complex integralArticle702111311301303-5991