Karakaya, AzizAraya, Awet2021-11-232021-11-232021http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/76234Seedling stage reactions of thirty-eight 2-rowed barley landraces representing different areas of Turkey obtained from Osman Tosun Gene Bank to two Pyrenophora teres f. teres isolates were evaluated. In addition, barley cultivars Bülbül 89 and Avcı 2002 were included. Landraces exhibited different reactions to the disease and their reactions ranged from resistant- moderately resistant to susceptible. Landrace number 33 obtained from Diyarbakır was found the most resistant to the disease compared to all other landraces whereas landrace number 10 obtained from Bilecik-Söğüt and cultivar Bülbül 89 were the most susceptible.trArpayerel arpa çeşitleriDetermination of the seedling reactions of some two-rowed barley landraces maintained at Osman Tosun Gene Bank to Pyrenophora teres f. teresOsman Tosun Gen Bankasında muhafaza edilen bazı iki sıralı arpa yerel çeşitlerinin Pyrenophora teres f. teres'e fide dönemi tepkilerinin tespit edilmesimasterThesis