Ünal, IşılAbalı, Gürkan2022-06-032022-06-032005http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/81049BSTRACTDETERMINATION OF THE OPINIONS OF POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS ANDTEACHING STAFF OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES ABOUT GLOBALIZATIONAND ITS EFFECTS ON HIGHER EDUCATIONAbalı, H. GürkanGraduate, Department of Educational Economics and PlanningThesis Counsellor: Prof. Dr. Işıl Ünal2005, XV-235 pagesIn this study, the approaches about the gobalization phenomenon - classified asLiberal, culturalist/nationalist and Marxist in this study- within which the postgraduatestudents and teaching staff at Ankara University Educational Sciences Institute express theiropinions and their perceptions about the transformations of the goal, management and financestructures of higher education system realized under the effect of globalization were tried tobe determined. It was also tried to be determined whether the opinions expressed differs dueto income, position at the Institute and type and level of education. For this purpose, by thehelp of the related literature and expert opinions, a questionnaire was prepared. The datacollected was analyzed with SPSS statistics computer programme. The statistical technicselected was Chi-Square-Test. The findings of this study showed that the postgraduatestudents and teaching staff at Ankara University Educational Sciences Institute disapprovedthe Liberal but approved culturalist/nationalist and Marxist approaches about globalizationphenomenon. The opinions about the transformations of the goal, management and financestructures of higher education system realized under the effect of globalization were generallyexpressed within Marxist approach, but the approval rate of the Liberal approach wasobserved as significantly high. Investigation of the distribution of the opinions expressed dueto income and the position at the Institute showed that the position at the Institute was muchmore effective on opinion differences than the income. Evaluation of the opinions aboutglobalization approaches and the effects of globalization on higher education due to the typeof the education showed that except for two programmes, the opinions expressed were notconsistent among survey questions. The opinions did not differ significantly due to thegraduate and post graduate levels.ivtrEğitim ve ÖğretimEğitim bilimleri lisansüstü öğrencilerinin ve öğretim elemanlarının küreselleşme ve yükseköğretime etkileri konusundaki görüşlerinin belirlenmesiDetermination of the opinions of postgraduate students and teaching staff of educational sciences about globalization and its effects on higher educationmasterThesis