Aral, NerimanÇetin, Saliha2022-06-272022-06-272015 aim of the research is to make the validity and reliability study of Preschool Visual Motor Integration Assessment Tool. Research was carried out in, state nursey schools located in the district of Ankara city center and total of 290 children get involved through individual application by the researcher. General Information Form prepared by the researcher for the purpose of obtaining information about children with normal development in this research, Prescool Visual Motor Integration Assesment tool which is developed by Deitchman ve Puttkammer (2001) and assesing childrens visual motor skills. During the research process content validity, construct validity, criterion validity is done within the scope of validity study and test-retest reliability, Cronbach's alpha coefficient and inter-rater reliability with in the scope of reliability. Analysis demonstrated assesment tool is valid after construct validity, content validity and criterion validity. Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient was 0.85 for the entire scope of the test. Statistically there was no significant differences between the test-retest forthat reason reliability is also provided. At end of the study Prescool Visual Motor Integration Assesment tool found to be valid and reliable anssement tool. Pre-School Visual Motor İntegration Assessment Tool is valid and reliable instrument to assses visual motor integration skills of children. Standardization study could be done for the assesment tool. Keywords:Development, pre-school, perception, visual-motor integration, visual perception.trEğitim ve ÖğretimOkul öncesi görsel motor bütünlemeyi değerlendirme aracının geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışmasıValidity and reliability study of preschool visual motor integration assessment toolmasterThesis