Us, Ali KemalÜnlü, Adem2022-08-042022-08-042016İn this retrospective study; shoulder, coronal and sagittal balance relationships between direct vertebral rotation(DVR) vs . single rod derotation (IDVR), which are two techniques in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis surgery, was aimed. The study was carried out in 2 groups. Both groups have no differencies in Cobb angle, age and type of curves. T1 vertberal tilt( T1 tilt), first rib angee(FRA), clavicle angle (CA), coracoid process height(CPH), clavicle-rib cage intersection (CRCI), first rib cage height (FRCH), and trapezius lenght (TL) for shoulder balance; Cobb angle correction and central sacral vertical line distance to C7 plumb line for coronal balance; lomber lordosis ,thoracal kyphosis and sacral slope for sagittal balance are measured preoperative and postoperative. In DVR gruop all but one shoulder parameters were better than IDVR group. There is no diferencies in FRCH in both groups. Cobb angle correction was better in DVR group than IDVR group but no difference in thrunc shift. Thoracal kyposis and lomber lordosis were found minimally decreased and same in both group after surgery. As a result; we can say the patients who undergo DVR have better shoulder cosmesis and coronal correction than IDVR group.trCerrahi tedaviDengeErgenlerCerrahi tedavi uygulanmış adölesan idiopatik skolyoz hastalarında direkt vertebral rotasyon ile tek rod üzerinden yapılan derotasyonun, omuz balansı, koronal balans ve sagittal balansa etkisinin radyolojik karşılaştırılmasıShoulder, coronal and sagittal balance comparison between direct vertebral rotation and single rod derotation in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis : A retrospective studyMedicalThesis