Çalışkan, DenizTunay, Zühal Özen2022-06-072022-06-072014http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/81179The Reliability and Validity of Turkish Version of "25-item Cardiff Visual Ability Questionnaire for Children" Evaluating the effectiveness of low vision rehabilitation is needed to give direction to the rehabilitation programme and to improve indepence, productivity and quality of life of individuals. Quality of life questionnaires are used for this purpose before and after the rehabilitation. They are used for identification of targets for the individual requirements before the rehabilitation and for evaluation of effectiveness of rehabilitation during and after the rehabilitation. There isn't any quality of life questionnaire for partially sighted children in Turkish. So this study is designed to analyze the validity and reliability of Turkish version of "Cardiff 25-item Visual Ability Questionnaire for Children" and to bring in a quality life questionnaire to our language for partially sighted children. We also intend to evaluate the relations between the quality of life scores and some independent variables. The study was conducted on 150 partially sighted children aged between 6 and 18 years and were followed at Ankara University Department of Public Health, Low Vision Rehabilitation Center. Internationally accepted steps of language validation that had been determined by Mapi Research Institute were followed for Turkish adaptation of "Cardiff 25-item Visual Ability Questionnaire for Children". Extent and construct validity were investigated with Rasch analysis. Cronbach's alpha values were used to examine the internal consistency for reliability analysis. As a result of these statistical analysis, it was determined that the Turkish version of "Cardiff 25-item Visual Ability Questionnaire for Children" is a valid and reliable questionnaire for partially sighted children aged 6-18 years. It gives information at all levels of quality of life of these children and its internal consistency and individual discrimination index are high. The mean age of children was 10,6 years. 88 of them were male and 62 of them were female. 52 of children were living in Ankara and approximately 2/3 of them were coming from all over the 7 geographical regions of our country. According to distribution of diagnosis among partially-sighted children, the most frequent diagnosis was hereditary fundus distrophies (36%) and the second one was cortical visual impairment (18%). Parental consanguinity were present in 76% of the parents. A statistically significant positive relationship was identified between duration of low vision rehabilitation and quality of life (p=0,022). The visual acuity of the children both for near and distance were examined with and without low vision devices. A significant improvement in visual acuity was determined with low vision aid (p=0,001) and the quality of life of children who were using low vision devices were significantly better than the patients who were not (p=0,014). There were no relations between life quality scores obtained from Turkish version of "Cardiff 25-item Visual Ability Questionnaire for Children" and age, gender, location, educational status and some familial properties. Consequently, the Turkish version of "Cardiff 25-item Visual Ability Questionnaire for Children" is a valid and reliable questionnaire to evaluate the quality of life of partially sighted children aged 6-18 years in our country. There was a statistically significant positive relationship between the level of quality of life and the status and the duration of low vision rehabilitation. Therefore, dissemination of the rehabilitation services and ensuring the availability and continuity of the rehabilitation for partially sighted children was needed to achieve targeted levels of quality of life and to provide equal benefit from the educational and social opportunities with their peers. Key Words: "low vision", "low vision rehabilitation", "partially sighted children", "quality of life questionnaire", "reliability", "validity".tr"az gören çocuk"güvenilirlikÇocuklarda kullanılan 25-maddelik cardiff görsel yeti ölçeği'nin Türkçe sürümünün geçerlilik ve güvenilirliği /The validity and reliability of turkish version of "25-item cardiff visual ability questionnaire for children"masterThesis