Dursun, NejdetEkim, Okan2022-04-222022-04-222008http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/79403In this study the aortic arch and the arteries of the forelimb of the 10 adult New Zeland Rabbit were investigated. All materials were filled with latex and dissected.It was determined that primarily the brachiocephalic trunk, then the left subclavian artery arose from the aortic arch.The left common carotid artery then the right subclavian artery and finally the right common carotid artery leaved the brachiocephalic trunk was observed.It was seen that the costocervical trunk, the internal thoracic artery, the vertebral artery and the superficial cervical artery took their origin from the subclavian artery.The axillary artery which gave off the suprascapular artery, the external thoracic artery, the lateral thoracic artery, the subscapular artery, the thoracodorsal artery, the caudal humeral circumflex artery and the cranial humeral circumflex artery was observed .It was seen that the brachial artery gave off the deep brachial artery, the biccipital artery, the collateral ulnar artery, the transverse cubital artery, the common interosseous artery and some other muscular branches.It was detected that the cranial interosseous artery, the caudal interosseous artery, ulnar artery, the cranial superficial antebrachial artery and the radial artery took their origin from the median artery. Beside this it was recorded that the median artery gave aa. digitales communes II ? IV to the fingers and also joined to the superficial palmar arch.It was seen that dorsal carpal rete was formed by the conjunction of r. palmaris of the caudal interosseous artery and the ulnar artery and r. carpeus dorsalis of the radial artery. From this rete a. digitalis dorsalis communis I and aa. metacarpeae dorsales II ? IV took their origin.It was determined that the deep palmar arch was formed by r. profundus of r. palmaris of the radial artery and r. profundus of r. palmaris of the caudal interosseous artery. From this arch aa. metacarpeae palmares I ? IV arose.It was established that the superficial palmar arch was formed by r. superficalis of r. palmaris of the radial artery and r. superficialis of the r. palmaris of the caudal interosseous artery. From this arch a. digitalis palmaris communis I and V arose.It was determined that aa. metacarpeae palmares I ? IV were formed from the deep palmar arch and made anastomosis with the related aa. digitales palmares communes.trVeteriner HekimlikAnatomiYeni Zelanda Tavşanı'nda (Oryctolagus cuniculus L.) arcus aortae ve ön ekstremite atardamarları üzerinde makroanatomik çalışmalarMacroanatomic investigations of the aortic arch and the arteries of forelimb in New Zeland Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus L.)masterThesis