Tellal, ErelMemmedli, Elşen2022-06-302022-06-302012 definition of Russia?s place in world politics, who appeared in international arena after the end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the USSR, is very important from the standpoint of International Relations studies. The determination of Russia?s place in changing international system through the exploration of several important internal and external dynamics of the country is sought in the framework of this work.While the unipolar system was established as a result of international events in the new world order after the end of bipolar political system, it is also understood that international political system has been moving towards the multipolar system following the quickly developing events. Russia, who does not want the unipolar international system and its governance by one state, favors the establishment of the multipolar world system together with other world powers. For this purpose, Russia prefers multilateral relations in its foreign policy and develops its relations with the European Union, and especially China and India, who are turning into the important powers in the world. The strategic aim of Russian foreign policy is to regain its former place in international system and to become the leader of one of the power centers of the targeted multipolar system if not the superpower as the USSR. Russia uses its rich natural resources, geopolitical position and nuclear power as a means in the realization of its foreign policy goals.The purpose of this thesis named as ?Russian Foreign Policy: Foundations, Determinants, Realization (1991-2007)? is to define Russia?s place in international system through the exploration of important internal and external factors that influence the formation of foreign policy in line with changing conditions of the world.Russia attempts to become an influential power in the Eurasia, which is regarded as the region of opportunities in the XXI century. Russia sees it as a springboard to regain its global power status. For this reason, Russian foreign policy, which has been becoming even more effective since 1994, has turned Russia into a power that should be taken into consideration. It is thought that although Russia?s roles that it play and could play in transformation period of international system has changed, it will preserve the continuity of its influence on world order that will be formed. It could be said that Russian foreign policy after the Cold War has passed through a long period of development from inactivity to active protection of national interests and enlargement of spheres of influence. In this regard, it could be assumed that Russia has a potential to become a power center in international system.trdış politikaRusyaRus dış politikası: Temelleri, belirleyicileri, uygulaması (1991-2007)Russian foreign policy: Foundations, determinants, realization (1991-2007)doctoralThesis