Usluer, Fatih2021-09-102021-09-102020 article discusses the content of a manuscript which is kept in Süleymaniye Library, Yazma Bağışlar, no. 2461. Based on this manuscript, Michael Reinhard Heß reached some conclusions on Hurufism in his article "Qualified heterodoxy in a 17th century Ḥurūfī muḳaddime." Unfortunately, the article features a number of mistakes. The main objective of this present article is to clarify some confusion about the manuscript, in particular, and Hurufism, in general. This article also examines the transformation of Hurufi ideas and offers a periodization of Hurufi history.enHurufismheterodoxymysticismOn hurufısm and ıts perıodızatıonArticle2401145158