Tercan, ErdalBörü, Levent2022-06-142022-06-142006http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/81833This study is related to the analysis of the ?Proxy Competence to An Actionin the Turkish Civil Procedure Law?. This study consists of an introduction part,followed by three separate body parts and a conclusion part.Within the scope of the introduction part, the definition of the proxycompetence of an action is made and the importance of this legal institution ispointed out in legal systems.In the first part of our thesis, the definition of the Representation of theParties in an Action, the Definition, Conditions and the Difference Between SimilarInstitutions of the Proxy Competence of an Action are studied in details.In the second part, the persons that have proxy competence are discussed.Attornies, Trainee Attornies, Partnership of Attornies, Action Representative (anattorney who does not possess a law degree) are examined in this part.Lastly in the third part, the extent of the proxy competence to action, end ofproxy competence and juridical and criminal consequences of pursuing of an actionby persons that have not proxy competence of an action are studied broadly. Inconclusion, consequences are emphasized concerning proxy competence to actionlegal institution that is our thesis subject.trHukukMedeni Usul Hukukunda davaya vekalet ehliyetiProxy competence to an action in the Turkish civil procedure lawmasterThesis