Turan, EnginÇetiner, Şevkat Gökçen2022-03-242022-03-242006http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/77892The Probability of Having Sexual Problems and The Suicidal Attempt Risk inThe Case of the Women, Who Have Been Subjected to Domestic ViolenceGökçen ÇetinerWith this work, it?s aimed to research the suicidal rates and to the sexual lives of thewomen experiencing violence of their husbands and who have consulted ?ÇağdaşKadın ve Gençlik Vakfı? and ?Ankara Bar Council Information Desk?. The presentdata has been compared with the women who have not experienced violence.The research included 92 women subjects, 60 of them have experienced violence andas a control group32 of them have not. To evaluate the level of the suicidal tendencyof the women ?Suicide Probability Scale?; and to evaluate the sexual problem level?Golombok-Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction? have been used. The informationabout the demographic features about the women and domestic violence have beensummed up under the ? Personal Information Form? formed by the researcher. Thederived results have been evaluated as ?t? test, single factor analysis of variance, ?f?test and Pearson?s correlation coefficients test.As a result of the research, it has been found out that the demographic features do noteffect in experiencing violence. The men applying violence may be of every age,education level and occupation.It has been derived that the suicidal risk and sexual problems of the womenexperiencing violence are higher than of those who do not and that as the violencepoint increases, the suicidal risk and the sexual problem rates increase. It is alsoderived that the violence affects the frequency, communication, satisfaction, toabstain, to touch, vaginismus and anorgasmi in sexual life a negative way.trAile içi şiddetcinsel sorunlarintihar olasılığıkadıncinselliksexualityDomestic violencesexual problemssuicidal attempt riskwomanAile içi şiddet yaşayan kadınlarda cinsel sorunlar ve intihar olasılığıThe probability of having sexual problems and the suicidal attempt risk in the case of the women, who have been subjected to domestic violencemasterThesis