Önal, Özay2022-01-272022-01-272020-01-01http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/77315In this experimental study, cognitive and linguistic aspects of Turkish elementary and secondary schoolers' categorical level preferences were observed to find out which categorical levels they exploited more to name the category pictures. Two sets of pictures composed of NATURAL KINDS, ARTIFACTS and EVENT/ACTION categorical groups were used. Two different tests R1 and R2 were applied. R1 pictures belonged to the categories the participants were familiar with and could name easily. R2 pictures, in contrast, were difficult to identify and name specically. In the results, participants tended to name R1 categories in BASIC level e.g. shirt , which proved the privileged cognitive status of BASIC level. On the other hand, R2 categories were mostly named in SUPERORDINATE level e.g. insect , which showed that children knew how and when to use SUPERORDINATE naming. As for the naming in SUBORDINATE level, the participants were observed to behave tentatively. Among the categorical groups, they made more specific namings for ARTIFACTS than the others.enLinguisticsCognitive SemanticsCategorical LevelsVısual Perceptıon-Based Categorızatıon In Elementary And Secondary SchoolersArticle6029179412459-0150