Onulduran, ErsinVeliyev, Emil2022-04-082022-04-082007http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/78557This study prımarily focuses on İran?s foreign and South Caucasus policy, its relations with the South Caucasus states, and the factors affecting this relationship after the collaps of the Soviet Union. While considering İran?s Caucasus policy in all areas, the study examines internal and external factors and the interaction amongst these factors. This study contains two main parts. The first part is divided into two subsections. Section one of the part one deals with the study of conception of İran?s foreign policy througth it?s South Caucasus policy after the Cold War. The second sub-section of the part one deals with study of the internal factors that affects Tahran?s South Caucasus policy. These factors are geographic and goepolitical positions; İran?s ethnical structure; military forces and military capabilities; and finally İran?s foreign policy after the Cold War. The second part of the study focuses on South Caucasu?s geopolitical position, its importance for İran and the relations between İran and South Caucasus states. Besides, the study also examines internal and external factors of South Caucasus states that affects İran-South Caucasus relationstrirandış politikaGüney KafkasyaSoğuk Savaş SonrasıSouth CaucasusSoğuk savaş sonrası iran'ın Güney Kafkasya politikasıIran?s foreign policy througth it?s South Caucasus policy after the cold war, master thesismasterThesis