Kaya, SezaiYarsan, Ender2022-03-072022-03-071996http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/77635) Monensin is an ionophore antibiotic, a monovalent cationic substance, used in veterinary medicine principally as a coccidiostat in poultry and as a growth promoter in cattle. This study was designed to evaluate the pretreatment of selenium and/or vitamin E and vitamin E + selenium in broilers given normal and high doses of monensin. For this purpose, 172 broiler chicks (Ross PM-3) were used in the study. These were splitted into two groups up the 15th day. In the 1st group, 15 of these chicks were maintained and fed without monensin, selenium and vitamin E. Other chicks were fed with monensin (110 ppm), vitamin E (1 1 ppm) and selenium (0. 1 ppm). On the 15th day the second group was splitted into 12 groups, each having 12 chicks (In the study, 2 animals died belonging to the 3rd and 4* groups). From this groups, to 2nd group 110 ppm monensin, to 3rd group 220 ppm monensin, to 4* group 330 ppm monensin, to 5* group 220 ppm monensin + 33 ppm vitamin E, to 6* group 220 ppm monensin + 0.5 ppm selenium, to 7* group 220 ppm monensin + 33 ppm vitamin E + 0.5 ppm selenium, to 8* group 330 ppm monensin + 33 ppm vitamin E, to 9* group 330 ppm monensin + 0.5 ppm selenium, to 10* group 330 ppm monensin + 33 ppm vitamin E + 0.5 ppm selenium, to 11th group 110 ppm monensin + 33 ppm vitamin E, to 12* group 110 ppm monensin + 0.5 ppm selenium and to 13th group 110 ppm monensin + 33 ppm vitamin E + 0.5 ppm selenium was given. On the 15*, 20*, 25th, 35th and 45* day of the study, blood samples were taken from each group and then aspartate amino transferase (AST), creatine phospho cinase (CPK), sodium, potassium and calcium levels analysed in serum. The samples were collected 3 chicks from the first group and 11 chicks from the other group for the 15* day; and 3 broilers from all groups for the 15* 20* 25* 35* and 45* day. Also, malondialdehyde (MDA) analyses in liver, feed consumption, clinical inspections, body weight and histopathologic evaluations were done. For the histopathological inspections, heart muscle and skeletal muscle (MMiolateralis tibialis pars cranialis) were used. Assessment of the groups indicated that in the 15* day the body weight (as g) was, 246.67±75.06 in the 1st group and 292.73±34.38 in the other group. Between 20* to 45* days body weight (as g) was given by intervals (min-max) being; 276.67±15.28-800.0±43.6 for 1st group, 418.33+18.93-1546.7+126.6 for 2nd group, 393.33+5.77-1000.0+43.6 for 3rd group, 327.33+10.41-513.3+30.6 for 4* group, 413.33+14.28-1530.0+112.7 for 5* group, 395.00±13.23-1390.0±251.6 for 6* group, 376.67+23.09-1450.0+180.3 for 7* group, 416.67+20.82-1116.7+76.4 for 8* group, 375.0+13.23-1150.0+217.9 for 9* group, 446.67+5.77- 1250.0+180.3 for 10* group, 406.67+25.17-1366.7+152.8 for 11* group, 396.67+20.82- 1283.3+76.4 for 12* group and 403.33+41.63-1400.0+50.0 for 13* group.115 Feed consumption was 6 kg in the 1st group and 6.5 kg in the other group in the 15* day. 20th, 25*, 35* and 45* days feed consumption (as kg) as follows; 3.5, 3.0, 6.0 and 6.0 in the 1st group, 3.5, 3.5, 6.5 and 6.5 in the 2nd group, 3.0, 3.0, 5.5 and 6.0 in the 3rd group, 2.5, 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5 in the 4* group, 3.5, 3.5, 5.5 and 6.5 in the 5* group, 3.0, 3.5, 6.5 and 6.5 in the 6* group, 3.5, 3.0, 6.0 and 6.5 in the 7* group, 3.0, 3.5, 6.5 and 6.0 in the 8* group, 3.0, 3.0, 6.0 and 6.0 in the 9* group, 3.5, 3.5, 6.0 and 6.5 in the 10* group, 3.5, 3.5, 6.5 and 6.5 in the 11* group, 3.5, 3.0, 6.0 and 6.0 in the 12* group, 3.5, 3.5, 6.5 and 6.5 in the 13* group. Assessment of the groups indicated that 15* day the sodium level (as mmolL) was 1 19. 17±16.87 in the 1st group, 126.42+9.04 in the other group. Between 20* to 45 * days sodium level (as mmol/L) was given by intervals(min-max) being 1 18.24±17.62-122.36±8.01 for 1st group, 125.56±22.24-137.34±6.18 for 2nd group, 1 10.90+18.80-1 19.56İ6. 13 for 3rd group, 108.12+11.09-114.91±4.39 for 4* group, 119.81+14.61-124.92+9.73 for 5* group, 1 12.32+1 1.71-116.29±1 1.58 for 6* group, 123.86+13.93-128.40±12.93 for 7* group, 119.31±8.17-122.62±14.19 for 8* group, 113.03+7.41-115.94+9.49 for 9* group, 121.80+9.03- 124.65+8.78 for 10* group, 131.69±14.17-135.28±12.28 for 11* group, 132.43+.4.03- 135.69+5.81 for 12* group and 134.37±8.04-138.63+6.85 for 13* group. Assessment of the groups indicated mat 15* day the calcium level (as mEqlL) was 7.420+1.383 in the 1st group, 8.547±0.615 in the other group. Between 20* to 45 * days calcium level (as mEq/L) was given by intervals(min-max) being, 7.562±1. 468-8. 503±2.867 for 1st group, 8.003±1.807-9.788+1.698 for 2nd group, 6. 532±0. 089-6. 822+1. 621 for 3rd group, 5.547+1.499- 6.273+0.953 for 4* group, 7.323±1.050-8.673±0.316 for 5* group, 7.268±0.509-8.419±2.014, for 6* group, 7.923+0.78-8.250+0.304 for 7* group, 7.496+1.172-9.383+1.784 for 8* group, 6.570+0.530-7.660+1.797 for 9* group, 8.523±1.606-9.374+0.901 for 10* group, 9.243±0.331- 10.174+0.970 for 11* group, 8.777±1.049-9.468±1.933 for 12* group and 9.285+0.527- 9.447±1.793 for 13* group. Assessment of the groups indicated that 15* day the potassium level (as mmolL) was 4.493±0.522 in the 1st group 4.310+0.382 in the other group. Between 20* to 45 * days potassium level (as mmol/L) was given by intervals(min-max) being, 4.566±0.500-4.756±0.273 for 1st group, 4.043+0.204-4.173+0.669 for 2nd group, 4.623±0.696-4.733±0.345 for 3rd group, 5.296+0.744- 5.683±0.408 for 4* group, 4.283±0.485-4.436±0.281 for 5* group, 4.370±0. 655-4.520+0.687 for 6* group, 4. 193+0.38 1-4.320±0.296 for 7* group, 4.810±0.433-4.886±0.335 for 8* group, 4.926+0.474-5.060+0.223 for 9* group, 4.613±0.710-4.860±0.435 for 10* group, 4.086±0.458- 4.173±0.621 for 11* group, 4. 116±0. 135-4.206+0.395 for 12* group and 4.023±0.578- 4. 196±0.499 for 13* group.116 Assessment of the groups indicated that 15* day the aspartate amino transferase level (as IU/L) was 168.73±29.29 in the 1st group and 171. 12±15.84 in the other group. Between 20* to 45 * days aspartate amino transferase level (as IU/L) was given by intervals(min-max) being, 161. 27+32. 03-172.40±33.28 for 1st group, 156.27±35.14-169.83±30.95 for 2nd group, 202.47±22.34-219.27±39.21 for 3rd group, 223.20+14.82-243.80+9.68 for 4* group, 165.33±20.83-171.27±40.39 for 5* group, 187.63149.27-191.87+11.65 for 6* group, 167.30122.40-194.30128.64 for 7* group, 191.50126.29-194.0128.37 for 8* group, 195.50±27.15-206.0±34.19 for 9* group, 188.70±13.57-201.0±15.31 for 10* group, 159.60134.96-164.50114.65 for 11* group, 163.43+27.70-170. 17±16.69 for 12* group and 161.0±28.66-166.63±21.89 for 13* group. Assessment of the groups indicated that 15* day the creatine phospho cinase level (as IU/L) was 399.37±190.28 and 386.3±74.1 in the other group. Between 20* to 45 * days creatine phospho cinase level (as IU/L) was given by intervals(min-max) being; 397.41216.7-446.41196.5 for 1st group, 415.81187.5-477.2142.4 for 2nd group, 504.8+234.1-527.5+130.0 for 3rf group, 531.3126.1-551.0162.0 for 4* group, 403.6±102. 15-433.5+123.9 for 5* group, 444.0+224.0- 458.7+110.9 for 6* group, 435.218.9-446.71109.1 for 7* group, 453.0±48.41-468.93±48.90 for 8* group, 472.28+69.46-483.43+102.87 for 9* group, 463.7135.8-494.20168.7 for 10* group, 363.8±171.3-383.0±63.0 for 11* group, 344.6+112.7-391.4+196.0 for 12* group and 347.8±139.8-371.0±235.0 for 13* group. Assessment of the groups indicated that; 15* day the malondialdehyde level (as nmol/g) was, 10. 15±4.96 and 10.53512.447 in the other group. Between 20* to 45* days malondialdehyde level (as nmol/g) was given by intervals(min-max) being; 8.04211.718-8.9612.31 for 1st group, 5.680±1.021-7.63±2.85 for 2nd group, 13.23±3.53-17.28±2.56 for 3rd group, 17.0213.43- 20.70±3.91 for 4* group, 9.82±5.59-14.08±6.50 for 5* group, 10.88±6. 11-14.91+5.04 for 6* group, 8.7814.46-13.6614.72 for 7* group, 10.03±1. 96-14.64+2.80 for 8* group, 13.8711.96- 16.0913.96 for 9* group, 7.975+1.431-13.03+3.75 for 10* group, 5.66811. 198-8.75+3. 16 for 11* group, 7.2313.13-9.05611.423 for 12* group and 6.42810.601-6.61511.611 for 13* group. Histopathologic lesions were observed especially in 3rf and 4* group which were given high level of monensin. These lesions were as follows: vakuolation, degeneration with obestosis and enlarged, capillary hyperemia, markedly hypertrophied capillary endothelial, interstitial edema, focal microhemorragie, focal mononücleated and heterophil cell infiltration in heart muscle; proliferation of muscle cell nucleus, skeletal muscle cells enlarged - pale and homogen, interstitial edema and mononücleated cell infiltration in myofibers.117 Clinical and laboratory findings indicated that high levels of monensin in the feeds caused acute and chronic toxicosis in broilers. Also, feed consumption and body weight decreased. The levels of serum creatine phospho cinas e and aspartate amino transferase elevated according to the heart and skeletal muscle's degeneration. Monensin which is an ionophore antibiotic, changed the levels of serum mineral components. The levels of serum sodium, calcium decreased and potassium increased. Monensin increased the malondialdehyde level of the liver as a consequence of the lipid peroxidation. As a result of the toxication, as histopathologic examinations that heart and skeletal muscles degenerated. Use of the vitamin E and selenium together, decreased undesirable effects of the monensin. Separately use of the vitamin E and selenium indicated mat, vitamin E is more efficacy than selenium in the prevention of the hazardous effects. Keywords: Broiler, Monensin, Vitamin E, Selenium, Toxicity.trEczacılık ve FarmakolojiEtlik piliçlerde iyonofor grubu antibiyotiklerle zehirlenme: Monensin ile vitamin E ve Selenyum'un birlikte veya ayrı ayrı verilmesinin bazı histopatolojik ve biyokimyasal parametrelere etkileridoctoralThesis