Sakarya, EnginAral, Yılmaz2022-05-122022-05-122007 Study on Cattle Kill-Floor Efficiency and Measurement of Labour Force Productivity of the Slaughter Stages inSome Public and Private Sector Slaughterhouses and Meat Combines in TurkeyAt this PhD research being carried out, it was aimed at determining the general production condition, capacity utilizationratios, the structure and qualities of labour force, slaughter system and technologies of the 1st class slaughterhouses and meatcombines which are owned by the public and private sector at the various provinces and taken under the scope of the researchin Turkey.The standard times on the cattle slaughtering stages have been found with the analysis of the data that have beenobtained as a conclusion of time study and measurements applied on these enterprises, and it was tried to introduce solutionrecommendations connected with the present problems by putting forward, the cattle slaughtering line efficiencies of theenterprises, average labour productivities in carcass/man-hour and their unproductive times elapsed, as comparative.The materials of the research comprise the primary data obtained from questionnaire surveys and the researcher owntime measurements related to work study applications at the cattle slaughtering line in 10 meat industry enterprises (4 meatcombines belonging the public and 6 privately owned meat combines, 3 of which were the 1st class slaughterhouses). At theassessment of the obtained data, the Microsoft Excel and SPSS for Windows 11.5 computer program have been utilized; theactual cattle slaughter times measured each of the enterprises slaughtering stages were converted to the basic and standardtimes, by using time study analysis.At the end of the research, it was determined that the average capacity utilization ratios were determined 15,40 %,28,53 %, 25,54 %, 15,99 % at the meat combines of Adana, Diyarbakır, Konya and Sakarya under the EBÜAŞ respectively.As for the private sector, the same ratios were measured to be 72,37 %, 14,87 %, 10,10 %, 12,76 %, 10,50 %, 12,68 % at themeat combines of Konet, Maret and Özlem with the slaughterhouses of ATB, Elif Et and smer respectively.At the end of the time study implemented at the meat combines of Adana, Diyarbakır, Konya and Sakarya under theEBÜAŞ belonging to public, the average labour productivities in carcass/man-hour were calculated as 1,45, 1,72, 0,72 and1,34 respectively, while the same productivities were calculated as 1,47, 1,85, 1,46, 1,51, 1,19 and 1,21 at the meat combinesof Konet, Maret and Özlem with the slaughterhouses of ATB, Elif Et and smer belonged to the private sector respectively.As a result of the research, the average exit velocity from slaughtering of the cattle carcasses at the meat combines ofAdana, Diyarbakır, Konya and Sakarya under the EBÜAŞ were measured 50,27, 89,96, 59,42 and 98,49 sec, the quantity ofcarcass production on the slaughtering line per hour were 11,63, 20,67, 10,82 and 13,42 pieces and practical slaughteringcapacity were 87,3, 155,0, 81,2 and 100,7 head/ day respectively.On the other hand, the average exit velocity from slaughtering of the cattle carcasses at the meat combines of Konet,Maret and Özlem and at the slaughterhouses of ATB, Elif Et and smer were 61,08, 80,50, 176,57, 72,76, 264,38 and 118,75sec, the quantity of carcass production on the slaughtering line per hour were, 44,21, 38,88, 11,74, 37,83, 8,35 and 19,34pieces and practical slaughtering capacity were determined 331,6, 291,6, 88,0, 283,7, 62,7 and 145,1 head/day respectively.It was determined that, the labour input portion within the unit carcass production cost was on average 7.05 YTL atthe publicly owned meat combines, whereas, the figure was 4.61 YTL at the privately owned slaughterhouses and meatcombines.Furthermore, under this study realized at the slaughtering line of cattle in the meat industry enterprises, the standardcattle slaughtering time at the slaughtering line were measured as 11.56,97, 9.51,55, 11.28,30, 10.54,10 min/sec at the meatcombines of Adana, Diyarbakır, Konya and Sakarya meat combines of EBÜAŞ; 10.14,48, 9.11,01, 12.52,31 min/sec at themeat combines of Konet, Maret and Özlem and 12.14,64, 17.47,83 and 10.57,11 min/sec at the slaughterhouses of ATB, ElifEt and smer belonged to the private sector respectively.On the other hand, the proportional efficiency of the cattle kill-floor were determined as 0.21, 0.54, 0.24, 0.41, 0.84,0.92, 0.66, 0.84, 0.69 and 0.73 m/h and unproductive total time passed in the production period of one hour were calculatedas 47.55, 27.28, 45.54, 35.14, 9.26, 5.07, 20.56, 9.29, 18.51 and 16.18 min/sec at the public and private sector enterpriseswhich are mentioned above respectively.trEtkinlikişgücü VerimliliğiKesimhaneSığırZaman EtüdüEfficiencyLabour ProductivitySlaughterhouseTime StudyCattleTürkiye'de bazı kamu, özel sektör mezbaha ve et kombinalarında sığır kesim hattı etkinliği ile kesim aşamalarındaki işgücü verimliliklerinin ölçümü üzerine bir araştırmaA study on cattle kill-floor efficiency and measurement of labour force productivity of the slaughter stages in some public and private sector slaughterhouses and meat combines in turkeydoctoralThesis