Pınar, MünevverÇeter, Talip2022-06-012022-06-012004 air-spores were collected by means of a Burkard seven-day recording volumetric trap in Ankara atmosphere from January 2003 to December 2003. The daily, mountly, and annual concentrations of spores/m3 belonging to Botrytis sp., Fusarium sp., Nigrospor sp., Pitomyces sp., Drechslera sp, Epicoccum sp., Torula sp., Stemphylium sp., Periconia sp., Curvularia sp., Exosporium sp., Spegazzinia sp, Tetracoccasporium sp., Timenticola sp., Dictiyosporium sp., Melanomma sp., Didium sp, Peospora sp., Coprinus sp., Agrocybe sp., Ganoderma sp., Boletus sp., Puccinia sp., Ustilago sp., Didyme.Ua sp., Leptosphaeria sp., Peronospora sp., Xylaria sp., Tek septalı askospor, Chatemium sp., Venturia sp., Ascobolus sp, Melanaspora sp., Sporomiella sp., Paraphaeria sp., Cladasporium sp. and Alternaria sp. The resulting data reveoled that the influence of some enviromental factors on the spores varied for the durations of the year. The most important enviromental factor were found to be temperature and relative humidity. Key Words: Aeropalinology, Allergy, Fungus, Fungus sporestrBiyolojiAnkara havasında bulunan fungus sporlarının cinsleri ve bunların meteorolojik faktörlerle değişimi (2003-2004)Atmosferic concentration of fungus spores in Ankara (2003) and the effect of meteorological factorsmasterThesis