Bayraktar, MehmetÇetintaş, İbrahim2022-06-142022-06-142006 this thesis known as Saçaklızâde, lived in the late 17th and in the early18th Century one of the Ottoman scientists Muhammed b. Ebû Bekir el-Maraşû?smanners of classifying the sciences are discussed.Our thesis consists of one introductory part and two parts.In the Introductory Part the objectives of classifications science and itsunderstanding in İslam.In the First Part where we examined his life, the neighbourhood where he wasborn, educated and spent his time and his scientific standpoint was discussed.Additionly in this part in parallel with his educational period his products over onehundred composed by him were mentioned.In the second part of our thesis Saçaklızade?s classification system of sciencesare investigated. According to this it is seen that the writer relating to sciences makesthree distinct ways of classifications in terms of ? benefit and harm,? ?MoslemReligious Law Regulations? and ?educational and instructional level.?İn addition in the final part of our thesis in Saçaklızade?s perspective somepedagogical principles that must be obeyed in education are emphasized and thoseare applied in contemporary education. Within this perspective, when the writer?s alleducational principles are evaluated collectively, two basic proportions of hisunderstanding of education emerge. One is that individual differences such asstudent?s age, level of intellectual capacity and comprehension and ?student-centerededucation? used in the literature of contemporary education are emphasized. Theother one is that above all, in order to increase the productivity in education theimportance of plan and program is referred and this is transferred as the term of?program-centered education?for today?s valid understanding. When looked throughthis perspective there is rather close a similarity between his understanding of hiseducation and contemporary educational doctrines and applications.219trDinSaçaklızade ve ilimleri sınıflandırmasıSaçaklızade and his classification of sciencesdoctoralThesis