Gürdal, MehmetSarı, NurSavaş, Ekrem2021-11-292021-11-292020-12-31https://doi.org/10.31801/cfsuasmas.704446http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/76437In 1974, Krivonosov defined the concept of localized sequence that is defined as a generalization of Cauchy sequence in metric spaces. In this present work, the A-statistically localized sequences in n-normed spaces are defined and some main properties of A-statistically localized sequences are given. Also, it is shown that a sequence is A-statistically Cauchy iff its A-statistical barrier is equal to zero. Moreover, we define the uniformly A-statistically localized sequences on n-normed spaces and investigate its relationship with A-statistically Cauchy sequences.enA-statistical convergencen-normed spacesA-statistical localor of the sequenceA-statistically localized sequences in n-normed spacesArticle692148414972618-6470