Hamzaoğlu, Ergin2021-12-032021-12-032021http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/76654According to the related literature and some taxonomic websites, it was proven that Dianthus liboschitzianus and D. erinaceus (var. erinaceus) are the valid names, which are accepted as a synonym. It was determined that Dianthus erinaceus var. alpinus not D. erinaceus (var. erinaceus) is a taxon, which is a synonym under Dianthus webbianus. Furthermore, the lectotypes were determined for Dianthus erinaceus and D. masmenaeus var. glabrescens, which was typed by being based on more than one specimen.enDianthuslectotypificationtaxonomyTurkeyvalid nameTaxonomıc contrıbutıons to the genus dıanthus (caryophyllaceae) from TurkeyArticle3001