Acarlar, FundaDoğaroğlu, Tuba Küçük2022-08-182022-08-182012 purpose of this study is to adaptation of Vanderbilt Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder Diagnostic Parent Rating Scale to Turkish.The sample of this research consist of 343. Distribution of participant according to cities where research done is 82 (% 23.96) from Gaziantep, 73 (% 21.57) from Mersin, 62 (% 18.07) Kayseri and 125 (% 36.44) from İstanbul. Education level of mothers are consist of 102 (% 29.7) primary school graduated, 148 (% 43.1) elemantry school graduated and 93 (% 27.1) university graduated. Distribution of gender of mothers? children is 132 (% 35.5) girls and 211 (% 61.5) boys. Distribution of age of children is that 82 (%23.9) children are 7 years old, 141 (% 41,1) children are 8 years old and 120 (% 35) children are 9 years old.Demographic information regarding mothers and children was gathered via the information form developed by the researcher. Participating mothers filled Vanderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Parent Rating Scale with data form. Validity and reliability of scale was examined by exploring content validity (construct, consept and language validity), construct validity (exploratory factor analysis) and Cronbach Alpha. The sex and age groups of the children were examined with variance analysis.Result reveal that adaptation of Vanderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Parent Rating Scale in Turkish included 45 items which had 4 factors. This sub ? factors are consist of sub scales which are attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder, oppositonal defiant / conduct disorder and depression / anxiety disorder. High reliability results were also reported for all scales. Result of variance analysis for seven years old group for all sub ? scales are meaningful results (p < 0.05). In eight years old group for hyperactivity and ODD / CD sub ? scales are meaningful results (p < 0.05). In nine years old group for inattention, hyperactivity and depression / anxiety disorder sub ? scales are meaningful results (p < 0.05).Overall result indicated that adaptation of Vanderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Parent Rating Scale in Turkish valid and reliable scales and can be used by parent to evaluate their children with ADHD and ADHD comorbid disordertrVanderbilt Dikkat EksikliğiHiperaktivite BozukluğuVanderbilt Dikkat Eksikliği ve Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu Aile Değerlendirme Ölçeği Türkçe uyarlama çalışmasıAdaptation of Vanderbilt Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Diagnostic Parent Rating Scale in TurkishmasterThesis