Yıldız, Tugçe Ünver2022-12-212022-12-212021https://doi.org/10.31801/cfsuasmas.869893http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/86292We characterize the weights for which the two-operator inequality ∥∥∥(∫x0f(t)pv(t)pdt)1p∥∥∥q,u,(0,∞)≤c∥∥∥esssupt∈(x,∞)f(t)∥∥∥r,w,(0,∞) holds for all non-negative measurable functions on (0,∞), where 0<p<q≤∞ and 0<r<∞, namely, we find the least constants in the embeddings between weighted Tandori and Ces\`{a}ro function spaces. We use the combination of duality arguments for weighted Lebesgue spaces and weighted Tandori spaces with weighted estimates for the iterated integral operators.enCesàro function spaces, Copson function spaces, Tandori function spaces, embeddings, weighted inequalities, Hardy operator, Copson operator, iterated operatorsEmbeddings between weighted Tandori and Cesàro function spacesArticle7028378481303-5991