Albayrak, HalisKurt, Muhammet Sacit2022-06-132022-06-132011 sin is an activity that derive from evil or doing reverse of God?s commands (it can be order or prohibition) and thus going astray with transgress the limit. As known sometimes God protect the prophet?s some sins. But I wonder if God protected them every time? This question answered varied. In the first period of the interpretation corpus, nearly all of the interpretation say ?They can sinned some minor sins.? But after that, the opininon of ?They couldn?t sin? have risen. Because of this reason, the research deal with particularly the first period of the interpretation corpus and interpretation books in which the alteration of mind.This thesis is made up of two chapters. In first chapter, concept of ?Sin? is produced by semantics method and for this the first period of Arabic dictionaries is used. In the second chapter, the prophets and sin is produced by utilizing the interpretation corpus.trKur'ânpeygamberKur'ân'da peygamberler ve günahProphets and sin in the Qur'ânmasterThesis