Yılmaz, MehmetHameldarbandi, Monireh2021-11-112021-11-112020-06-30https://doi.org/10.31801/cfsuasmas.567496http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/75976A functional composition of the distribution function of one probability distribution with the inverse distribution function of another is called the transmutation map. The present paper is purported to show how the transmuted distribution can be obtained by using the convex combination of failure probability of two-component systems. The transmuted Gumbel univariate exponential distribution is presented by changing convex combination parameter. This new distribution is dened and studied. Some mathematical properties of this distribution including the generating function and ordinary moments are derived. The survival, hazard rate and mean residual life functions are discussed. Finally, three applications to real data are presented.enGumbel exponential distributionConvex combinationTransmutation methodTransmuted Gumbel univariate exponential distributionArticle6911371572618-6470