Oğuz, Gönül2020-03-312020-03-312018https://doi.org/10.32450/aacd.511962http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/70781The aim is to explore the challenges for women’s self-employment preferences in Turkey in terms of the human resources strategies, influence and importance of the EU policies affecting their entrepreneurial activities. It focuses on the questions of how and why women’s entrepreneurship in Turkey is a distinct feature of the EU entrepreneurship, which may have a different impact on competitiveness. It begins with analysis of a range of specific challenges and obstacles faced by innovative women in setting up, running and expanding their businesses, discusses the individual resources of education and skills in terms of women’s entry in entrepreneurship and success, proceeds to analysis of entrepreneurship tools to the extent of which how such resources are related to the nature and volume of women’s entrepreneurshipenEntrepreneurshipEuropean UnionHuman CapitalWomenGirişimcilikAvrupa Birliğiİnsan kaynaklarıKadınGender differences in entrepreneurship: the EU and TurkeyGirişimcilikte Cinsiyet Farklılıkları: AB ve TürkiyeArticle17023173491303-2518