Toledo, HaleÇivi, Şükran Gözcü2022-08-172022-08-172012Ángel, the main character of the drama called Sphinx (La Esfinge) written by Miguel de Unamuno, is the person that was nat able to get inner peace throughout his life. At this point the ?inner anxiety? (angustia), one of the argument of the existentialism, emerges as one of the main theme of the drama. Miguel de Unamuno, through the character Ángel, emphasizes on two concepts. One of them could be called as ?inner self?, another one is ?outer self? . The first one is the one that obeys the rules of the society, in the dynamic of life the one that plays his role; the second one is the one that purely in his existence fulfils his natural needs, the one with full of faith. These two concepts are always in conflict in Ángel?s mind. Through the end of the drama ?inner self? gains this conflict.The two themes ?freedom? and ?self responsibility?, that construct the essence of existentialism reflects in the character Ángel. According to Ángel the person feels the ?inner peace? when the person gets freedom and takes self responsibility. The freedom is posible only with the death. The death, according to auther is the existence in the God as supreme being and so is the re-existence in the eternity. According to auther every human being desires immortality but this desire or faith is usually in conflict with scientific rationality.The faith is posible with being purified from sins. However as human being is the sinful being, to be oneself is dependent upon the renewal of faith.Nothing must be permitted to interfere with this, be it a worldly institution or any other subject, even in the name of God.Ángel lived the life with full of faith. But as he is not able to fulfil the faith towards God, he suffers. He tries to reach the God therefore he wants to renew his faith. His greatest desire is to live in the eternity of God. At this point the faith in the way of freedom is the most important steps that should be taken and to renew this faith consist of self responsibility. This is posible with being good person. Faith begins with an awarness of sin and wrongly directed at God. For human beings to understand that they are sinful is for them to understand that there is a supreme being in opposition to whom sin is committed.When the being exists, takes responsibility is the choice that he or she makes with his conscious when it is sait that he is responsible by himself. It is not only contains the responsibilty towards private expectatins but also the responsibility towards other people. With Jean Paul Sartre explanation: ?When the one selects himself, he selects the whole human being? In the drama the priest says to Ángel: ?Be good Ángel? is not only the one towards him but also it consists of the other people as well. He makes his choice not only for goodness of himself but also for goodness of other people and this so called renewal of fait.trMiguel de UnamunoLa EsfingeMiguel de Unamuno'nun "La Esfinge" adlı eserinde varoluşçulukThe existentialism in the drama called La Esfinge of Miguel de UnamunomasterThesis