Duyar, İzzetÖztürk, Mustafa İlker2022-04-222022-04-222007http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/79357Every matter of human was affected by the great changes that information technologies (IT) created in daily life styles and management philosophy. As a social appearing of being a human, crime, in cyber age became more varied, complicated and increased its effectiveness. Moreover, the range of threat became vast easily and rapidly and not only the individuals but also the organizations and countries became the target. Now, the crime is related to the information technologies. Cell-phone, computer or internet takes part in many important crimes from fraud to theft, political murders to organized crime. The improving and changing crime environment changed the terms and duties related to judicial process too. The evidence digitalised, computer became an element of crime, the virtual world of internet became a crime scene. The digital evidence, determining of digital evidences and computer forensic laboratory studies, the computer aided analysis of data and evaluation are the main concepts which have just included in judicial process. These new concepts which form the computer forensic discipline's main working areas, based on the forensic and the information technologies should be purified from commercial concerns, understanding without expertise and related to main bases. With our study, which aims this target, the cyber and judicial staff who is inadequate in cyber and legal issues, will give understanding without expertise and main answers to the questions such as "what is digital evidence?, how can a digital evidence be detected?, what are the bases of interference and digital evidence determination during the crime scene process?, what are the bases of the devices which include digital evidences in the laboratory examination?, what are the computer aided techniques used for during the analysis and evaluating digital evidences?". It is evaluated that our study will be used as a main reference for the judicial and IT staff who is directly related to computer forensic; investigators working on the crime scene investigation and data analysis and main training material for the law enforcement units and IT expertstrAdli bilisimdelilsayısal delilsayısal delil tespitiveri analizi ve degerlendirmesibilisim suçubilisimle ilgili suçolay yeri incelemeComputer forensicevidencedigital evidencedetermination of digital evidencedata analysis and evaluationcyber crimecyber related crimescrime scene investigationBilişim cihazlarındaki sayısal delillerin tespiti ve değerlendirilmesinde iş akış modelleriModels of flowchart for detecting and evaluating digital evidences in IT equipmentsmasterThesis