Bilir, MehmetÇınar, Oğuzhan2022-05-242022-05-242010 of in-service training program that are served to ADANATeachers ? Computer and Internet Using Course? within the purpose ofevaluating all educational activities through we need to confirm and fix theproblems in all institutions where in-service activities are arranged. As is inall educational activities also in-service activities need to be evaluated. Thepercent of achieveing objectives in in-service training, may due to theparticipators? behavioristics and their training process. ? Education forFuture? is managed to be used by the computer and computer labs userteachers and, must be evaluated in order to understand whether theprogram is sufficient actual demands of them and how much it correspondstheir requests.This research study is made by Ministry of Education at Adanaprovince in order to improve and evaluate in-service training courses titledas ?usage of computer and enternet?? for primary and secondary schoolteachers . This researchs? focus is the primary and secondary schoolteachers in Adana province . The sampling of research study is 140teachers who participated to the titled training course . In this research studya questionaire is used as such a kind of quantitative survey .This questionaire is firstly served to the 20 people as a pilot study topre-evaluate the in-service training course . The statements ( answers) firstlywere executed with the factor analysis and according to result comparisons,formed criterias were collected under 3 subtitles. The subtitles are; ?Relatingvito Preparation of In service Training? and ?Relating to Application ofEducational Programmes? and ?Relating to Evaluation Post- Application? .After all the statements were treated with the Likert scale due to thevalidity and reliability test none of the questions had any leak of reliability .The questionary reliability coefficent and the subtitles sufficiency is resultedquitely high . Frequent distrubution for the personal infomation questienarywas prepared and consequently commented. T- Test and ANOVA Tests areapplied to gain the control ; whether teacher?s in-servicing trainingquestionaire answers change according to their personal characteristics ornot.The diagnosis of this research is;Teachers? gender and their ages demographics don?t show significantdifferentiation beside this ( due to branch variation) visual ?plastic artteachers show meaningful optimist perspective , synchronously theclassroom teachers show relatively pessimist perspertive than the otherbranch teachers . In professional seniority variety , it is established thatteachers show more interest to adopt in principle in their first five yearexperience. Most of the teachers think that tenancy of enternet andcomputers in their lessons effects the succes of lessons positively . Theteachers on the contrary are negative to the questions of the evaluation .Generally positive results have been gained during the evaluation , butthere is no sufficiency evaluation pre-test before the courses for teachers andsome of the teachers denoted that they felt apprehension and inhibition.trAdanabilgisayarinternetAdana ili öğretmenlerine sunulan bilgisayar ve internet kullanımı kursunun değerlendirilmesiEvaluation of in-service training program that are served to adana teachers ? computer and internet using course?masterThesis