Ateş, Özgür2021-10-052021-10-052019-12-06 study focused on seventeen ERASMUS exchange students’ experiences who were enrolled in a business course at a university in Turkey. The data was collected between the years 2013 and 2016, using reflective journaling. Through thematic analysis three overarching themes were identified in the reflective journals: Openness and willingness to engage in the unfamiliar, viewing study abroad experience as a catalyst for breaking down prejudices, and becoming “borderless” or culturally aware. Data revealed that an international student mobility program can create intercultural awareness, help understand similarities and differences in people from different languages, cultures, religions, and countries, among exchange students who have been a part of itenERASMUSStudent mobilityIntercultural awarenessBecoming Borderless: Making the Unfamiliar Familiar- Erasmus ExperienceArticle744142314361309-1034