Keser, HafizeSemerci, Ali2022-03-232022-03-232008 purpose of this study is to evaluate the perceptions of participantsin regard to the management courses conducted via e-learning method. Elearningprocess evaluated in terms of five aspects: (1) content, (2)interaction, (3) web design and technical support, (4) relevance of the trainingmaterial, (5) strengths and weaknesses of the e-learning.A mixed methods case study design was preferred in this research toimprove the validity and reliability of the findings. First, a survey wasdesigned to show the descriptive characteristics and the perceptions of the elearningtrainees and then one-on-one and focus group interviews wereconducted to explore various aspects of the perceptions of participants andtheir attitudes toward e-learning applications. Observation is also used asanother method to describe the e-learning processes.The participants were the officers who passed the qualificationexamination for promotion from Chief Inspector rank to Superintendent rankand from 3rd class Chief Superintendent rank to 2nd class ChiefSuperintendent rank, in April 2006.Descriptive and qualitative methods were used to analyze the data. Theparticipants? responses from the questionnaire were analyzed quantitativelywith SPSS. One on one interviews and focus group interviews wereevaluated qualitatively.In e-learning questionnaire, first 14 questions were used to collectdemographic information about participants and the next 32 questions wereused to collect the participants? e-learning perceptions. Analysis of the surveydata suggests that middle and high level management course participantshad an overall perception of the course positively with a mean score of 3,40(1) being the least satisfaction and (5) being the most satisfaction. Theparticipants demonstrated the most positive view for web design andtechnical support factor with a mean score of 3, 56 and the least positiveview for interaction factor with a mean score of 3, 13.The result of the qualitative part of the research indicated that there aresome positive perceptions such as place and time flexibility to access elearningcourses, enjoying while learning, get acquainted with modernlearning methods and technologies, able to participate training while they arewith their family and without leaving their social life.The results of the qualitative part of the research indicated that there aresome barriers that negatively affect e-learning perceptions of the participantsregarding equal opportunities for course participants across the country andadministrative issues. Other than such problems, e-learning is perceivedpositively by the course participants.In conclusion, several recommendations were made in regards to thecontent, interaction, portal design & technical support and administrativeissues. Besides, other recommendations for further research are suggestedtrE-öğrenmeUzaktan EğitimTeknoloji Destekli Polis EğitimiE-öğrenme yöntemi ile düzenlenen yöneticilik eğitimlerinin kursiyer algılarına dayalı olarak değerlendirilmesi: Bir durum çalışmasıEvaluation of management courses constructed with e-learning method in terms of participants' perceptions: A case studydoctoralThesis