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Item Ankara ili kamu ilköğretim ve ortaöğretim okulu yöneticilerinin müzik eğitimi politikasında ve uygulamalarında yaşanan sorunlara ilişkin görüşleri(Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2011) Ülke, Zahide Betül; Kepenekci, Yasemin Karaman; Eğitim Yönetimi ve PlanlamasıThe basic purpose of this study is to put forward the views of administrators of public primary and middle schools pertaining to the problems experienced in the musical education policy and the implementations thereof. In this study the aim has been to put forward the views of administrators of public primary and middle schools concerning ?the employment of music teachers in schools, the hours of music lessons in schools, music lesson programmes, the schools? equipment from the point of view of music lessons and the problems experienced on the subject of the support given by administrators and parents to musical education?. The target population of the study constitutes 18 primary school administrators and 12 middle school administrators making a total of 30 administrators working in public primary and middle schools in the 2010-2011 academic year. A ?semi-structured interview form? was applied to the study group. The obtained data having been prepared in written text form, it was analysed with the content analysis method.Item Cambridge IGCSE Uluslararası Akreditasyon Programının kamu liselerinde kabul edilme ve uygulanma sürecine ilişkin yönetici ve öğretmen görüşleri(Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2021) Ersoy, Emir; Kepenekci, Yasemin Karaman; Eğitim Yönetimi ve Teftişi BölümüThe aim of this study is to reveal the views of administratos and teachers working in public schools, which are located in Istanbul and apply Cambridge IGCSE program, about the problems faced in the acceptance and implementation process of this program in their schools and the ways they followed in solving these problems. In this context, a total of 13 administrators and teachers working in two schools implementing the mentioned accreditation program in the 2020–2021 academic year are included in the study. In the research, in which the qualitative approach has been adopted, data has been gathered through a semi-structured interview form developed by the researcher and analyzed with content analysis. It is stated that there is no major problem with regard to the Cambridge ICGSE course admission process, Although not too many environmental problems were encountered during the acceptance and implementation of this program, bureaucratic, legal, economic and academic problems had been encountered more. However during the implementation phase, it is stated that both students and teachers' English levels could be insufficient from time to time. In order for students to take both the Ministry of Education program and the Cambridge IGCSE program together, classes have been held at the weekend and summer schools have been opened.Item Eskişehir ili ilköğretim okulları kadın okul yöneticilerinin kullandıkları güç kaynaklarına göre sergiledikleri liderlik davranışları(Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2010) Sağ, Gamze Özdil; Kepenekci, Yasemin Karaman; OtherForming and guiding groups of people who are headed towardsparticular purpose and goals needs an ability to affect and persuade peopleand this is defined as leadership. Mostly, leaders give direction to the society.The leadership styles of leaders are important today and leaders who thinkthat managing is not using authority and legitimate power, who can affect thebehaviours of followers with their knowledge, skills, personality and specialabilities are needed. How the differences resulting from the personality andcharacters of women affect their behaviours in management is gainingimportance.The effect of the leader in the organization in great amount depends onthe source of power he handles to influence other people because power isone of the most important sources that administrators use. These sources ofpower are, reward power, coercive power and legitimate power which dependon the position of the administrator, or referent and expert power whichdepend on personal abilities. Women administrators may have differentleadership behaviours depending on the sources of power they handle.The aim of this research is to determine the views of womenadministrators and teachers working in these schools related to the sources ofpower they handle, their offers to enhance the sources of power and definingthe women administrators? leadership behaviours in school administration.The study group of this research consists of 10 willing public elementaryschool administrators and 17 teachers working in these schools in centraldistricts of Eskişehir province in 2009?2010 school year. Qualitative researchmethod is used in the study. The views of the women elementary schooladministrators and teachers are taken by interviews. The data is collected bythe interview form prepared by using ?Power Sources Scale? which isdeveloped by Aslanargun (2009) and analyzed via content analysis methodafter converted into text.According to the findings of this research; it is seen that womenschool administrators perform mostly transactional leader behavioursdepending on the reward power they handle, and they performtransformational leader behaviours depending on the coercive, legitimate,expert and referent power they handle. Women school administrators canperform both transactional and transformational leadership characteristicsat the same time. And also the perception of the teachers about theadministrators? being transactional or transformational may change.According to the views of women administrators and teachers; most ofthe women administrators have friendly, tender, supportive and reliablecharacteristics and they ensure the works in school to be in their way.According to the views of women administrators and teachers; most ofthe women administrators have powerful human relations and communicationskills. It is understood that these administrators are successful in solvingproblems in the school, they don?t need training to improve their expert powerbut the others who have difficulty in communication ignore or can?t solve theproblems.According to research results; the leaders and teachers who are opento change and transformation are given way in the educational system. Theopportunities by which the administrators and teachers can improvethemselves in the way to change and transform must be given.Item İlköğretim okulu yöneticilerinin öğretmenlere sağlanan örgütsel desteğe ilişkin görüşleri, öğretmenlerin örgütsel destek algısı ve örgütsel bağlılıkla ilişkisi(Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2011) Nayır, Funda; Kepenekci, Yasemin Karaman; OtherThe purpose of this study is to investigate the opinions of primary schools principals about organizational support provided for teachers, and the perception of organizational support and its relationship with the level of organizational commitment for the teachers working at primary schools in Turkey. This study is designed based on survey method and quantitative research techniques. Teachers and school headteachers, working at public and private primary schools from 23 cities chosen out of 12 regions determined according to NUTS1 geographical region, are the target population of the study. The total numbers of participants are 433 teachers and 383 headteacherss from public primary schools and 454 teachers and 295 school headteachers from private elementary schools. Thus, the total of 1565 educators participated into this study.The data of the study was gathered through ?Perceived Organizational Support Scale? developed by the researcher and ?Organizational Commitment Scale? developed by Balay (2000). The Ministry of Education- Educational Research and Development Department (EARGED) supported the reproduction and implementation process of the scales. Percentages and frequencies, means, standard deviations, t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), Kruskall Wallis test, Mann Whitney U test and regression analaysis were used to analyze data collected from the school headteachers and the teachers.As a result of the study, it was seen that teachers? perception of organizational support in the dimensions of organizational justice, supervisors support and organizational rewards and job conditions were significantly differ according to the region of the work place and school types. Based on experience variable there was significant difference on school principals?? ideas about organizational justice, supervisors support and organizational rewards and job conditionals support provided for teachers.Organizational commitment of teachers? ideas on coherence did not show significant difference based on gender, branch, marital status, region, and school size. However, teachers worked at public schools showed higher compliance organizational commitment than did teachers worked at private schools. Teachers? opinions for organizational commitment of identification dimension showed significant difference based on type of school, region and school size. Internalization of organizational commitment was significantly different based on teacher?s gender, education level, region and school size.Compliance, identification, and internalization as sub categories of teachers? organizational commitment are predictors of the perception of organizational support?s sub categories. School size, gender and experience are predictors of organizational justice; school size and school types are predictors of supervisor support and school size, school types, gender and experience are predictors of organizational rewards and job conditions.Item İlkokullardaki öğretmenlerin üretkenlik karşıtı iş davranışının örgütsel vatandaşlık ve örgütsel adalet ile ilişkisi(Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2019) Akkaya, Burcu; Kepenekci, Yasemin Karaman; Eğitim Bilimleri FakültesiBu araştırmada kamu ilkokullarında görev yapan yönetici ve öğretmenlerin görüşlerine göre, öğretmenlerin sergiledikleri üretkenlik karşıtı iş davranışlarının düzeyini ve bu tür davranışların örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışları ve örgütsel adalet algıları ile ilişkisini belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Nicel araştırma yaklaşımlarından olan “ilişkisel tarama modeli” ile yürütülen araştırmanın hedef evrenini Ankara ili kamu ilkokullarında görev yapmakta olan tüm yönetici ve öğretmenler; örneklemini ise oranlı tabakalı yöntemle seçkisiz olarak belirlenen 360 yönetici ve 430 öğretmen oluşturmuştur. Araştırma verileri araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen Üretkenlik Karşıtı İş Davranışı Ölçeği (ÜKİDÖ), Basım ve Şeşen (2006) tarafından geliştirilen Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışı Ölçeği (ÖVDÖ) ve Yaylacı (2004) tarafından geliştirilen Örgütsel Adalet Ölçeği (ÖAÖ) ile toplanmıştır. ÜKİDÖ’nin geliştirilmesi için ön uygulama yapılmıştır. Ön uygulama verileri Ankara ilinde resmi ilkokul ve ortaokullarda görev yapan 331’i öğretmen ve 82’si yönetici olmak üzere toplam 413 katılımcıdan toplanmıştır. Ölçeğin yapı geçerliğinin kontrolü için açımlayıcı faktör analizi yapılmıştır. ÖVDÖ’nin ve ÖAÖ’nin yapısını eğitim kurumlarında çalışan öğretmen ve yöneticilerde de koruyup korumadığını test etmek amacıyla birinci düzey doğrulayıcı faktör analizi yapılmış ve uyum indekslerinin yeterli düzeyde olduğu görülmüştür. Verilerin analizinde aritmetik ortalama, standart sapma, t-testi, tek yönlü ANOVA ve çoklu doğrusal regresyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre öğretmenlerin okulda sergiledikleri ÜKİD; başkalarına zarar verme, yönetsel işleyişe zarar verme, kundaklama, çalma, geri çekilme, okulun imajına zarar verme ve eğitim-öğretime zarar verme olmak üzere yedi alt boyuta ayrılmaktadır. Bu türden davranışların okullarda çok yaygın olmadığı saptanmıştır. Bununla birlikte, öğretmenler okulda mesai dışında zaman geçirmeme, dedikodu, yok v sayma gibi yüz yüze etkileşimi gerektirmeyen pasif davranışları, aktif olanlara kıyasla daha fazla sergilemektedir. Okullarda çalma, baskı uygulama, alay etme gibi somut ve birebir etkileşimi gerektiren davranışlarla ise pek karşılaşılmamaktadır. Öğretmenler örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışlarını ise okullarda oldukça yaygın olarak sergilemektedir. Başkalarının haklarına saygı duyma, sorun çıkarmama gibi nezaket davranışları okullarda en yaygın örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışlarıdır. Yine yaygın olarak yaşanmakla birlikte okul için ekstra zaman harcama, başkalarının işlerine yardım etme gibi vicdanlılık davranışları görece seyrek sergilenmektedir. Okullarda dağıtımcı, düzeltici, süreçsel ve etkileşimsel adalete ilişkin uygulamalar genellikle adaletli şekilde gerçekleşmektedir. Okul yöneticilerinin öğretmenlerle iletişimi ve kararlarla ilgili öğretmenlerin bilgilendirilmesi süreçleri diğer süreçlere kıyasla daha adildir. Fazla çabanın ödüllendirilmesi ve yanlış ödüllendirmelerin iptal edilmesi ise okullarda gerçekleşen görece en adaletsiz uygulamalardır. Örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışının nezaket alt boyutunun ÜKİD alt boyutlarının tamamını anlamlı şekilde yordadığı saptanmıştır. Vicdanlılık alt boyutu ÜKİD’in geri çekilme, okulun imajına zarar verme ve eğitim-öğretime zarar verme alt boyutlarını; sivil erdem alt boyutu ise ÜKİD’in yönetsel işleyişe zarar verme ve geri çekilme alt boyutları anlamlı düzeyde yordamaktadır. Bu nedenle okullarda sergilenen nezaket, vicdanlılık ve sivil erdem davranışlarının ÜKİD üzerinde önleyici veya azaltıcı etki yarattığından söz edilebilir. Aynı durum okulun maddi ve manevi kaynaklarının dağıtımının adil şekilde gerçekleştiği okullarda da geçerlidir. Nitekim araştırma sonuçlarına göre örgütsel adaletin dağıtımcı adalet alt boyutu, ÜKİD’in çalma hariç diğer tüm alt boyutlarını anlamlı düzeyde yordamaktadır. Örgütsel adaletin diğer alt boyutlarını teşkil eden düzeltici, süreçsel ve etkileşimsel adaletin ise ÜKİD alt boyutlarını yordama düzeyleri anlamlı değildir. The purpose of this research is to determine the level of counterproductive work behaviors exhibited by teachers based on public primary school administrators’ and teachers' opinions and to explore the relationship between such behaviors and organizational citizenship behaviors and organizational justice perceptions. This study employed a qualitative research approach and used the correlational survey model. The target population of the study consisted of public primary school administrators and teachers who worked in public primary schools located in Ankara. The study sample included 360 administrators and 430 teachers who were selected using the stratified sampling method. Data for this study were collected using the Counterproductive Work Behavior Scale (CWBS) developed by the researcher, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale (OCBS) developed by Basım and Sesen (2006) and Organizational Justice Scale (OJS) developed by Yaylacı (2004). A pre-implementation was performed to improve the CWBS. Pre-implementation data were collected from 413 participants including 331 teachers and 82 administrators who worked in official primary and secondary schools located in Ankara province. The exploratory factor analysis method was used to control the construct validity of the scale. A first-level confirmatory factor analysis was performed to control whether structures of OCBS and OJS were maintained for teachers and administrators who work in educational institutions and the fit indices were found at an adequate level. In the data analysis, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and multilinear regression analysis were used. According to the study results, CWBs exhibited by teachers in schools were analyzed under seven dimensions: abuse toward others, abuse toward administrative vii functioning, sabotage, theft, withdrawal, abuse toward school image and abuse toward schooling. The study findings revealed that such behaviors were not common in schools. Furthermore, passive behaviors exhibited by teachers such as spending extra time in school, gossiping and ignoring were more common in comparison to active behaviors. On the other hand, behaviors that require one-to-one interaction such as theft, putting pressure on others and mocking were not common. In contrast, organizational citizenship behaviors were frequently exhibited in schools. Courtesy behaviors such as showing respect to others and avoiding problems are among the most common organizational citizenship behaviors. Similarly, while organizational citizenship behaviors were frequently exhibited in schools, conscientiousness behaviors such as spending extra time and helping others were relatively rare. In schools, practices related to distributive, corrective, processual and interactional justice were generally actualized in a just manner. The processes ‘communication between school administrators and teachers’ and ‘informing teachers about decisions’ were found more just in comparison to the other processes. ‘Rewarding extra efforts’ and ‘canceling false rewards’ were relatively the most unjust practices actualized in schools. The study findings have shown that the courtesy sub-dimension of the organizational citizenship behavior significantly predicted the sub-dimensions of CWBs. The conscientiousness sub-dimension significantly predicted the withdrawal, abuse toward school image abuse toward schooling sub-dimensions of CWBs; and the civic courtesy sub-dimension significantly predicted the abuse toward administrative functioning and withdrawal sub-dimensions of CWBs. Therefore, it could be argued that courtesy, conscientiousness and civic courtesy behaviors exhibited in schools make a preventative or mitigating impact on CWBs. The same situation is also relevant for schools where pecuniary and non-pecuniary sources are distributed justly. Thus, the research findings demonstrated that the distributive justice sub-dimension of organizational justice significantly predicted all of the sub-dimensions of CWBs except the ‘theft’ sub-dimension. On the other hand, corrective, processual and interactional justice that represented the sub-dimensions of organizational justice did not significantly predict the sub-dimensions of CWBs.Item Okulöncesi döneme seslenen kitaplarda çocuk hakları(Ankara : Ankara Üniversitesi Çocuk ve Gençlik Edebiyatı Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi, 2011) Kepenekci, Yasemin Karaman; Aslan, Canan